


Public Function create_update_schedule(ByVal contract_id As String, _

                ByVal is_create As Boolean, ByVal sched_id As String, _

                ByVal bill_site As String, ByVal bill_attn As String, _

                ByVal ship_site As String, ByVal price_prog As String, _

                ByVal bill_freq As String, ByVal bill_option As String, _

                ByVal period_start_dt As String, ByVal first_bill_dt As String, _

                ByVal chg_start_dt As String, ByVal chg_end_dt As String, _

                ByVal int_fld1 As String, ByVal int_val1 As Long, _

                ByVal int_fld2 As String, ByVal int_val2 As Long, _

                ByVal str_fld1 As String, ByVal str_val1 As String, _

                ByVal str_fld2 As String, ByVal str_val2 As String, _

                ByVal date_fld1 As String, ByVal date_val1 As String) As Integer


Public Function create_update_schedule_list(ByVal contract_id As String, _

                ByVal is_create As Boolean, ByVal sched_id As String, _

                ByVal bill_site As String, ByVal bill_attn As String, _

                ByVal ship_site As String, ByVal price_prog As String, _

                ByVal bill_freq As String, ByVal bill_option As String, _

                ByVal period_start_dt As String, ByVal first_bill_dt As String, _

                ByVal chg_start_dt As String, ByVal chg_end_dt As String, _

                Optional fld_list As Variant, Optional type_list As Variant, _

                Optional val_list As Variant) As Integer




These APIs are used to create or update a contract schedule. The contract ID must be specified, and the ID of the schedule is also specified. If this is an update, the Boolean is set to False, otherwise it is set to True. You may specify the bill-to or ship-to site, the price program, and the code list values. In addition, you may specify a variety of dates.




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

contract_id                            Yes                         ID number of the contract

is_create                                                Yes                         Is this a new schedule (True) or an update (False)

sched_id                                                Yes                         The ID of the schedule to create, or of the one to update

bill_site                                  No                           The ID number of the site to associate as the bill-to site. If this is set to the

                                                                                empty string ("") or "IGNORE", no change is made in the site

bill_attn                                 No                           Attention person at bill-to site. If this field is set to "CLEAR", the field

                                                                                is set to the empty string

ship_site                                                No                           The ID number of the site to associate as the ship-to site. If this is set to the

                                                                                empty string ("") or "IGNORE", no change is made in the site

price_prog                             No                           The price program for the schedule. If this field is left blank (for creates), the

default program is used. If it is left blank (updates), the program is not changed

bill_freq                                 No                           The billing frequency. If blank (creates), the default is used. If blank

(updates), no change is made

bill_option                             No                           The billing option. If blank (creates), the default is used. If blank

(updates), no change is made

period_start_dt                    No                           The start date of the billing period. If blank (creates), the current date/time is

used. If blank (updates), the date is not changed

first_bill_dt                           No                           The first billing date.  If blank (creates), the current date/time is

used. If blank (updates), the date is not changed

chg_start_dt                         No                           The start date of the charging. If blank (creates), the current date/time is

used. If blank (updates), the date is not changed

chg_end_dt                          No                           The end  date of the charging. If blank (creates), the current date/time is

used. If blank (updates), the date is not changed

fld_list                                    No                           List of fields to set

type_list                                                No                           List of data types for each field in fld_list

val_list                                   No                           List of values to set for each field in fld_list

int_fld1, int_fld2                   No                           Names of additional fields to write

str_fld1, str_fld2


int_val1, int_val2                 No                           Values for the additional fields. These values are only used if the

str_val1, str_val2                                                 corresponding field name field is filled with a valid field name





Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Could not find the specified contract

-2                                             Could not find the specified bill-to site

-3                                             Could not find the specified ship-to site

-4                                             The specified price program is not found

-5                                             The specified billing option is not valid

-6                                             The specified billing frequency is not valid

-7                                             The end charge date is earlier than the start charge date

-8                                             The specified schedule name already exists for the contract. Cannot create

-9                                             The specified schedule does not exist. Cannot update


ret_objid                                Output                   Returns the objid of the newly created schedule




·         Create a new schedule for contract '42'. Give sites and attention person. Supply a price program, and other options. Specify a value for an extra field named 'x_other_string'.




   var ret_int = fc_cc.create_update_schedule( "42", True, "New Schedule", "Site 42", _

                                        "Attn: Joe Francis", "Site 44", "March Prices", _

                                        "Monthly", "In Advance", "", "", "", "", _

                                        "", 0, "", 0, "x_other_string", "Value here!", _

                                        "", "", "", "")


Visual Basic:


   Dim ret_int As Integer


   ret_int = fc_cc.create_update_schedule( "42", True, "New Schedule", "Site 42", _

                                        "Attn: Joe Francis", "Site 44", "March Prices", _

                                        "Monthly", "In Advance", "", "", "", "", _

                                        "", 0, "", 0, "x_other_string", "Value here!", _

                                        "", "", "", "")











·         Update the same contract. Clear the attention field, and change the billing frequency.




   var ret_int = fc_cc.create_update_schedule("42", False, "New Schedule", _

                        "", "CLEAR", "IGNORE", "", "Quarterly", "", "", "", "", _

                        "", "", 0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")



Visual Basic:


   Dim ret_int As Integer


   ret_int = fc_cc.create_update_schedule("42", False, "New Schedule", _

                        "", "CLEAR", "IGNORE", "", "Quarterly", "", "", "", "", _

                        "", "", 0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")